Computerized files don't ordinarily give you visual or tactile cues.
It enables us to experience desires we do not ordinarily give ourselves credit for, and to exercise choices society is reluctant to admit.
He did not look like a man who would ordinarily give credence to communing with the gods.
The Legendre transform of W ordinarily gives the effective action.
This is because they won more direct constituency seats than the number of seats their percentage of the vote would ordinarily give them.
The Reinhart show is twice the size it should be; a visitor files past works one wouldn't ordinarily give the time of day to.
In reviewing an issue of fact, an appellate court ordinarily gives deference to the trial court's findings.
Instead of the usual ripples of pleasure that his memory ordinarily gave her, her thoughts of the prince actually increased her anxiety.
"But it does not ordinarily give one priority over bona fide prior claimants."
Nursing homes must ordinarily give 30 days' notice before discharging or transferring a patient.