In Atlanta, she worked on a plan to persuade corporations to hire college-educated black women for office jobs that ordinarily went to white workers.
"A different type of person comes here in the summer - teachers, people from Indiana, people who don't ordinarily go to auctions."
From what Jinx says, you'd ordinarily go with people you've known for a long time.
The goal is for 3,000 students to donate the money that would ordinarily go toward their dinner on Oct. 12.
"It makes you go places you might not ordinarily go."
So maybe I ought to have a look for something she might not ordinarily go to.
Jimmie didn't ordinarily go to any particular trouble over people.
Mahoney didn't ordinarily go on missions himself, but since Baltimore, the director had been changing that.
Philip Caxter was wealthy and prominent, not the type of man who would ordinarily go into crime.
"You get a variety of people coming through on a daily basis who wouldn't ordinarily go to an art gallery," she said.