There is similar criticism among ordinary Albanians, and even within his own party.
Mr. Berisha's attitudes are also ingrained in ordinary Albanians.
Evil things happened to ordinary Albanians, too, that's the tragedy.
For many ordinary Albanians who came into conflict with the authorities, the reign of the Sigurimi has had far harsher consequences.
Still, he and others said there was little thirst for revenge among ordinary Albanians.
The school was politicized from the start, but the Macedonian reaction intensified its symbolic importance to ordinary Albanians.
The new basic law was designed to remove the state from the lives of ordinary Albanians and guarantee their basic rights.
"We are not afraid of ordinary Albanians," Mr. Djordjevic said.
The group has been traveling around this country of 3.5 million, meeting ordinary Albanians and high officials.