Palestinian violence grinds on, killing and maiming ordinary Israelis.
Arab nations should continue to demonstrate the seriousness of their peace initiative with steps that address the hopes and concerns of ordinary Israelis.
During this Camp David meeting, for the first time, ordinary Israelis and Palestinians focused on what might be the price of peace.
As that date nears, here are the major players, their parties and the sentiments of ordinary Israelis as expressed in polls.
Now ordinary Israelis and Palestinians once again can become partners for peace.
It also reflects the natural concern of ordinary Israelis about the possible dangers of territorial change.
Until this fall, "peace" had, for most ordinary Israelis, remained at a comfortable distance.
Where the Mayor did encounter ordinary Israelis, he seemed to encourage and alienate them in almost equal measure.
His contact with ordinary Israelis influenced his decision to donate his son's organs.
Of course, ordinary Israelis are affected too - but their community remains robust, well cared-for, with needs met.