As an 'ordinary" Pakistani you should understand this.
Yet ordinary Pakistanis seemed to be more enthusiastic about the anniversary than politicians and social commentators.
The civilian Government wasn't responsive to the needs of ordinary Pakistanis because they had no real influence.
She depicts the wit and homespun wisdom of ordinary Pakistanis.
As much as military coups are unfashionable these days, it appears that ordinary Pakistanis have welcomed the new government.
I recognise ordinary Pakistanis simply want an education, jobs and security.
These reflected the concerns of ordinary Pakistanis about Britain's super-tight visa and immigration controls.
The decision has left ordinary Pakistanis at the mercy of bus operators for long distance travel.
The assassin has since been feted by religious leaders and many ordinary Pakistanis.
The tactic struck a chord in ordinary Pakistanis, as interviews with voters on Wednesday demonstrated.