It follows that in an open religion perspective, the distinction between priests and ordinary believers does not make sense, because God will enter the lives of everyone.
That's what set him apart from ordinary believers like Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.
The doctrines have no hold on ordinary believers- are not a power in their minds.
This is in contrast to the priest, whom some Protestants see as having a distinct authority and spiritual role different from that of ordinary believers.
YET there remains a gap between the nuances of scholarship and the understanding of ordinary believers.
There is no notion of salvation or moral and spiritual perfection, at least for the ordinary believers in spirits.
Many leaders and ordinary believers of different Protestant communities fell victims to the persecution by Communist regime, including imprisonment and executions.
The Cathar community was layered between the spiritual elite and the ordinary believers, much as other Christian communities were.
For groups which do not recognize a priesthood distinct from ordinary believers the services are generally led by a minister, preacher, or pastor.
The gap is between the theologians and the ordinary believers.