As older people become weaker, they are more likely to need the assistance of others to perform the ordinary chores of life, like getting in and out of chairs.
For ordinary chores at home or at work, a cobbler's apron with large pockets in the skirt can help you carry tools, food, papers and a portable telephone.
He explains the manuscript was a draft lacking "ordinary housekeeping chores" such as character names.
Yet, somehow, none of these things seemed particularly momentous at the time; they were just the ordinary chores of living with a child.
It's a series of footpaths defined by ordinary chores - and also by something more, something that accumulates.
He certainly completed his round of ordinary chores faster than he had before he'd been doing double-duty with Coresan.
During the next 72 hours I must have gone on with all the ordinary chores of living.
Usually, his voluntary time was spent in ordinary chores.
But it was not just the boy's ordinary chores that I undertook during that extra month of his absence.
The worst is over--for now--but I can't even think about getting my luggage, or doing any sort of ordinary chore.