It may be of interest to some to know the method, which was extremely simple, as in ordinary communications the quipos are easy to read.
We found no transmissions on the 'links other than ordinary communications from and to the Swishers and their domestic.
So that was not out of the ordinary communication.
He placed a signal tape in the blue shell of ordinary communications on the desk pad.
Where ordinary communication is not possible it may be necessary to use interpreters or employ alternative techniques such as sign language, braille etc.
Soon members were using them not just for emergencies but for ordinary communication.
It is a direct transmis 97 sion, and nothing to do with the amorphous cloud of ordinary human communication.
The Council wouldn't approve of any ordinary communication.
Today, telecommunications are as important as ordinary communications, both for people and companies.
In ordinary communications, the pulses are relatively bright, containing zillions of photons.