At that instant, or so it seemed, Switters reentered the realm of ordinary consciousness.
He knew it was the realm of ordinary consciousness because it hurt like hell.
With each breath he felt the smoke pushing him further from ordinary consciousness; he looked at the Druids, and saw them haloed with light.
The description of its location outside the city corresponds to being outside the ordinary consciousness.
In a flash, Ouspensky understood the mechanical nature of ordinary human consciousness.
Finally, they returned home and to ordinary consciousness.
"You know," intones one of the experts, "the impulse to alter what we ordinarily call ordinary waking consciousness is inborn."
This is ultimate reality, a state of truth beyond ordinary mundane consciousness and beyond the power of words to describe.
Each midnight he would return to ordinary consciousness and would then feel the pain that his body was suffering.
Fortunately for me, the phone rang and I returned, however reluctantly, to ordinary consciousness.