He shunned ordinary courtesy and polite conversation, evidently in the belief that they would only encourage the traditionalists to stay around.
To be sure, there was no great affection between them but an ordinary courtesy should have prompted something more than that curtest of notes.
It means that you cannot be offered ordinary courtesies because you're obviously unwilling to back up your own actions with your life if necessary.
This sensitivity, while sometimes derided as "political correctness," amounts to ordinary courtesy.
As an ordinary courtesy, if the five-run rule is waived only sometimes, it would be prudent to clarify this at the top of each game.
Montray, then, was the one who could not be trusted to treat Darkovans with ordinary courtesy.
You see, sir, the Tourist Agency doesn't give its renters even ordinary courtesy.
I see that I have been backward in the ordinary courtesies of life, gentle fem.
Bell hasn't been in the habit of giving me compliments lately, even those of ordinary courtesy,William thought.
Paks hoped they would understand ordinary courtesy as courtesy.