Some of them are just there to add a little pizzazz to an otherwise ordinary existence.
It is, then, only a speeding up, an intensifying, of the ordinary human existence.
We're hungry for them, for the problems of ordinary human existence.
An ordinary meaningless existence can suddenly be challenged by the perplexing game of life, luck and death.
At the same time, one of the sisters wants to leave her life as a vampire and have an ordinary existence with her human boyfriend.
"Yet have you then no further wish to continue in an ordinary existence?"
"Is he, then, at so advanced an age, in the state of an ordinary existence?"
"Yet how can so arrogant a claim be held, seeing that you stand before me in the unimpaired state of an ordinary existence?"
Kirk knew he was in a dimension other than ordinary existence.
He would step into an immortal plane and leave his ordinary mortal existence behind.