Sometimes ordinary lenses have a macro position.
This means that the light from an object on the other side will be bent towards your eye, just like an ordinary lens.
With ordinary lenses, this results in capturing only the bottom part of the subject (a).
Today the surgery is usually an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, with a rapid return to normal activities and excellent vision correction with ordinary lenses.
If you have to etch a specific structure to create a lens, then it will have limited use, just as any single ordinary lens has.
The difficulties lie in the fact that X-rays are impossible to manipulate with ordinary lenses, meaning that all new equipment is needed.
The principal difference between the lens of the eye and an ordinary optical lens is that the former is flexible.
Just as an ordinary lens focuses far-off images, so does gravity.
It uses ordinary lenses to focus laser light to the smallest possible spot on a very thin slice of the sample.
Since X-rays are impossible to manipulate with ordinary lenses, many new kinds of equipment are being created.