Not just an ordinary letter, either - but a letter responding to the poems she sent me during the last summer of her life.
The day before she was due to leave the clinic she received what appeared to be an ordinary letter.
In the morning, Mandy dispatched the correspondence, thinking it an ordinary letter.
This time it was an ordinary letter by the looks of things and it took, again, just over three minutes.
The handwriting of the dead always has the power to move us, and these were not ordinary letters.
It was sent by ordinary letter to London, written in English.
A letter to God, but this wasn't any ordinary letter.
For ordinary letters damaged or lost in our custody to a maximum of £24.
It must not matter if they are sent by fax, ordinary letter or by electronic mail.
The reasons were quite obvious, but I will not go into them in an ordinary, sociable letter to one's family.