And while the idea may be frightening, he is quick to explain: "A trance state means not directly connecting with ordinary reality.
We need such a God to explain why magic can exist side by side with ordinary mundane reality.
Our own ordinary realities often strike the characters as quite out of the ordinary and vice versa.
She looked about the room, to let the ordinary reality of walls and chairs help her keep the discipline she had been learning for this moment.
It was so different from ordinary reality that it still resists a rational accounting.
I peered hard through the layer of ordinary daily reality, into the Twilight.
While I was still in ordinary reality I couldn't see my colleagues.
He moved without making a sound, but even so in ordinary reality he couldn't escape excessive attention from women.
There is something about wanting to record what ordinary reality is like.
Many studies of nature deal with questions that occur at the Planck length, in which ordinary reality doesn't seem to exist.