Other routines are pure flights of fancy, all the more extraordinary for the very ordinary setting.
In a more ordinary setting, such comments would hardly have seemed surprising.
These films tended to revolve around ordinary people living in often dreary, ordinary settings.
This doesn't sound like your ordinary setting for dance rehearsals, right?
Atmosphere: The large, open, wood-paneled room is an oddly ordinary setting for the city's most fanciful sculptural food.
The move was part of the 'community care' initiative adopted by health authorities to provide housing and support services in ordinary settings for people with learning difficulties.
It forces you to think about elements of writing that have become more or less automatic in a more ordinary setting.
He gets us to accept the ordinary setting that he starts with, then carries us along into a fantastic tale.
In the first instance, there is a need to be alert to the potential for, and presence of, crime in conventional and ordinary settings.
"I liked all these portraits that had just an ordinary setting, like they are shot on location somewhere," she said.