Docked to their working asteroid was a small prospector scout, a single-passenger craft designed to fly through the rings in search of dense ore concentrations.
Razorbacks - The razorback breed inhabits areas of high metallic ore concentrations.
The ore concentration is only a fluke, undependable.
These Bronze Age rock disposals, so-called dry ore concentrations, are similar to those of ancient times.
As an escape from several unpalatable but unprovable conclusions, she had taken on the assignment of flying the geologists and miners to the immense inland lake where the EEC survey had reported ore concentrations.
The Falcon Continuous (C) centrifugal concentrator is primarily used for the separation of heavy minerals which occur in ore concentrations above 0.1% by weight, such as cassiterite, tantalum and scheelite.
The Falcon Ultra-Fine (UF) centrifugal concentrator is primarily used for the separation of heavy minerals which occur in ore concentrations above 0.1% by weight, such as cassiterite, tantalum and scheelite when the majority of the particles are smaller than 75 microns.
The use of water power increased around the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries and it began to be employed in processing to enrich the ore concentration.
While Uranium-235 (U) fission produces no CO gas directly, the indirect fossil fuel burning processes of Mining, Milling, Refining, Moving & Radioactive waste disposal, etc. of intermediate to low-grade uranium ore concentrations produces some amount of carbon dioxide.
Kai had requested a remote sensor to locate the ore concentrations but at that point the storm in the next system had been sighted and he found his request very low on the priority list.