Instead, there is just natural fidelity, the sound of the room, a handclap, an organ chord in the corner of the song.
In the third part, the melody disappears, and is replaced with a rock beat and organ chords.
Think of it - with a thundering organ chord - as the curse of the prime-time players.
Closer at hand, an approaching freight train sounded its horn like a brief organ chord.
He laid a series of sustained organ chords over them.
They make a low noise that is compounded from bee-music, the roar of surf, and organ chords heard at a distance.
The theme is then repeated in powerful organ chords, interspersed with brass fanfares.
The film ended with a rhapsody of organ chords that shook the building.
"I just got opportunity, thank God," she said, and an organ chord swelled behind her as if she were in a church pulpit.
Nearly a minute later, a sustained organ chord begins to resonate through speakers at the center of the theater.