The organ dating from about 1860, designed by George Holdich, had also been removed.
The music swelled from the organ, augmented by underlying subsonics, designed to instill the feeling of awe.
Chorales also appear in chorale preludes, pieces generally for organ designed to be played immediately before the congregational singing of the hymn.
The breast is a secretory organ - a modified sweat gland, really - designed to exude the mother of all fluids, milk.
A street organ is a mechanical organ designed to play in the street.
Perhaps the mind was not the organ designed to receive their approach.
It is believed to be the first organ designed by Hope-Jones.
Pipe organ In 1930s, several manufacturers developed electronic organs designed to imitate the function and sound of pipe organs.
The human brain was an organ designed to make sense of things.
A dance organ is a mechanical organ designed to be used in a dance hall or ballroom.