Voleurs d'yeux (Eye Thieves) was both a book and a film about her investigations on organ theft.
The law also addresses forced labor, slavery, organ theft, and prostitution.
His newest novel is a medical thriller about organ theft called The Donor.
Tales of organ theft usually characterize the victims as unemployed males between ages 20-40 who are seeking work and are taken out of the country for operations.
They also argue that such a free market system for organ trade would encourage organ theft through murder and neglect of sick individuals for a financial gain.
These rumors, like those concerning organ theft, are hard to substantiate, and may reflect continued, deep-held fears of the use of cadavers as commodities.
The unreliability of urban legend tales is used to prove that organ theft is of minimal concern.
However with the proliferation of organ trade, organ theft is still considered plausible even in First World countries, and continues to be popular in fiction.
The scene where Meg's date steals her kidney is based on a popular urban legend of organ theft.
The books cover a vast array of subjects, including underage prostitution, organ theft, snuff videos, and much more.