To control pests, organic growers might introduce its natural predator to reduce pest population.
And the answer obviously is the customers, the organic growers, and the guy who's an artist when it comes to using his machine.
As of 2010, about 10% of one-time organic growers had given in to conventional production due to price competition.
Connecticut's organic growers wanted something on the books until the Federal regulations are ready so consumers would not be confused.
But the proposed standards, presented last December for public comment, enraged organic growers in the state.
There are a wide variety of chemicals that are available for both regular and organic growers.
Though not approved for use by organic growers it does provide an option when alternatives have failed.
In addition, organic growers wanted national standards because they were subject to conflicting state standards.
For organic growers and most backyard gardeners, though, they are tough to control.
It is vital that these ensure that conventional and organic growers should not lose out as a result of this technology.