The dinner was given by the association, which represents all segments of the organic industry in the United States and Canada.
Many in the organic industry say they are willing to allow some use of synthetics in organic food.
The turn of fortune for the organic industry comes after a long period of strong growth.
They also point out that the spectacular growth of the organic industry during the last decade has been driven by "food scares."
After an outcry from consumers and some wiser heads in the organic industry, this new rule was repealed.
"On the other hand, the organic industry has grown so fast that there is no way we can keep all the crooks out."
She predicted that in 2007, a shakedown will occur in the organic industry as its products become accessible to larger numbers of people.
The organic industry instantly mobilized to protect standards that farmers have been following for decades.
It was also hurting the organic industry, because people simply hadn't had the confidence that food they were buying was really organic.