What House music needs is some great tunes and organic origins.
It is not known when life originated, but carbon in 3.8 billion year old rocks from islands off western Greenland may be of organic origin.
Some behavior problems of organic origin disappear with successful treatment of the cause.
At times, there have been clues suggesting an organic origin at the surface in plant and animal life.
"We're not going to sell them here for $40," he added, but they will bear premium prices reflecting their imported and organic origins.
Today science has identified the true organic origins of pearls but without diminishing their ineffable allure.
Why is the prevailing opinion that petroleum is of organic origin?
It would appear that the device has a decided preference for materials of organic origin.
However, this view is changing, as so many crystalline materials have organic origin.
The first two, owing to their organic origins, may develop mold if insufficiently dried.