Along with the bird's lack of heads their surface is that of an organic texture.
These works seem at first to be little more that vaguely organic abstract textures, but are actually webs of small images, not unlike Tchelitchew's, and even more vaporous.
In computer graphics, Voronoi diagrams are used to procedurally generate organic or lava-looking textures.
"Drawings" made of carefully torn paper have a sense of organic, hands-on texture little seen elsewhere in the show.
Color and organic textures play a fundamental role in integrating the structures of his designs.
They would help prevent weed growth, hold moisture and improve the organic texture of the soil to enable it to hold even more moisture.
I know it isa personal preference, but the use of simulated organic textures in electronic devices has always grated on me.
The "organic textures and raw energy" of Leiyla and the Poet in particular inspired many early electronic music composers.
These comuni form a system with the centre of Catania sharing its economical and social life and forming an organic urban texture.
Their vaguely organic textures reveal webs of small images that are similar to Pavel Tchelitchew's, only more vaporous (Smith).