Users have the ability to seed the environment with energy orbs that the organisms convert to energy and material.
"If this organism is really converting matter to energy, and energy to matter-- directly-- then it's functioning like a little reactor."
These organisms convert the bacteria's protein into nitrogen, which can then be used by plants.
These organisms convert a substance to a chemically modified form.
These organisms, which could trap solar energy in a pigment, and then convert that solar energy into chemical energy, were self-perpetuating.
In upper ocean areas of high biological productivity, organisms convert reduced carbon to tissues, or carbonates to hard body parts such as shells and tests.
Photosynthetic organisms also convert around 100-115 thousand million metric tons (i.e., 100-115 petagrams) of carbon into biomass per year.
Nitrogen fixation is the process by which organisms absorb nitrogen from the air and convert it to a form they can use.
The company's researchers feed algae sugar, which the organisms then convert into various types of oil.
Therefore many organisms convert ammonia to urea, even though this synthesis has a net energy cost.