A few other organisms rely on green algae to conduct photosynthesis for them.
These organisms rely on corals as a source of food and shelter.
Many organisms rely on the soil derived phosphorus for their phosphorus nutrition.
The organism relies on its human host for many essential nutrients and biologists have been unable to ascertain the complete list.
Systems on which the organism relies malfunction, resulting often in cancers.
These benthic organisms rely heavily on the supply of nutrients that settle to the sea floor.
Some organisms, especially xerocoles, animals living in the desert, rely exclusively on metabolic water.
Such organisms (for example frogs) rely on environmental heat sources, which permits them to operate at very economical metabolic rates.
This helps to explain better the unique method of metabolism on which the organism relies.
The diet of any taxon speaks to the different types of food and drink that the specific organism relied upon for nutrition.