Griswold ended her time with the Church World Service in 1951, feeling that the organization was not properly aiding refugees, instead being crass in their efforts.
According to a profile prepared by the Pajhwok Afghan News, under his leadership, the organization aided thousands of Afghan students with books.
In addition to helping children, the organization now aids those who have lost a child.
This organization aided relatives of those arrested by making inquiries about where the prisoners were held, providing them with material assistance, and petitioning the authorities for their release.
This organisation sought to aid victims of the Allied bombing of France and, following the Normandy landings, aided refugees fleeing the fighting.
Smaller organizations can aid localities in dealing with a new generation of waste disposal needs.
The organization has been active in a number of international workshops, and has aided in monitoring elections in Lusaka.
In September 2006, Pitt and Jolie established a charitable organization, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, to aid humanitarian causes around the world.
That organization, the American Civil Liberties Union and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference have been aiding black residents.
Since Hurricane Katrina, the organization has aided more than 3,000 musicians and their families affected by that catastrophe.