The organization alleges the proposed development would pollute local wetlands and the region's watershed.
But, the organization alleges, advanced technologies pose serious threats to privacy.
The organisation alleges more than 60 companies, including McDonald's and Amazon, have responded to its email and pulled their ads.
The organization also alleges that much of the physical evidence, apart from a few selected samples of the steel, would have been destroyed.
The organization alleged that police violated civil liberties and used police brutality.
Macedonian organizations allege that the government undercounts their number and that they are politically under-represented, arguing there are no Macedonians in the Albanian parliament.
The ministry had recruited about 170 extra clerical staff to run the BSPS system - not the 400-500 that some organisations had alleged.
In June 2010 these two organizations distanced themselves from him after a report alleged that donor funds had been diverted for political purposes.
The Netherland-based organization alleged that Epson customers were unfairly charged for ink they could never use.
Subject: Management of toxic waste Environmental organisations in Greece have alleged that toxic and hazardous waste is being buried without any controls.