Applewhite managed to control some of the account by steering references away from leftist organizations and toward most of the few conservative organizations backed by the CIA.
The Parismina Social Club is a charitable organization backed by American tourists and expatriates, which collects donations to fund beach patrols.
Jones is the founder of the Robin Hood Foundation, a philanthropic organization mainly backed by hedge fund operators.
Iditarod is once again a separate organization backed by the Iditarod to a great extent as well as other sponsors.
These are ascribed to the Baghdad branch of Kataib Hezbollah, an Iraqi Shiite militant organization backed by Iran.
This is because of a news conference here announcing the formation of the California Music Coalition, an organization backed by the Recording Industry Association of America.
Israel: In 2010 RQI delivered a training through Shatil, an organization backed by the New Israel Fund.
Mr. Keating or his associates had contributed $1.3 million to the Senators, with the largest share going to organizations backed by Mr. Cranston.
This website was developed as a non-profit organization backed by forty major corporations to allow job hunters and for recruiters to post job openings.
The trip is to be funded by the Aeon group an educational organisation backed by major high street companies to encourage British students to broaden their overseas horizons.