Kamath has generally been credited with expanding ICICI's businesses to evolve it into a technology-enabled financial organisation catering to the financial needs of corporate and retail customers.
The new organizations catering for this were to be economically more efficient and culturally more bland than the popular movements of the first half of the century.
However, for the growing number of ordinary cruising yachtsmen there was no generally available organisation catering for their interests.
It was formed in 1910 to co-ordinate the activities of various organisations catering for dockers, seamen, tramwaymen and road transport workers.
He created a non-profit organization catering to the interests of teachers, choreographers, researchers, students, and dance fans.
It provides the usual services of an Anglican church and runs a number of organisations catering for children and adults.
He was also active in various organizations catering to the needs of at-risk students.
After returning to Ireland, she became PE co-ordinator with St Michael's House in Ballymun, Dublin, an organisation catering for people with intellectual disabilities.
Wynne is straight and noticed the lack of organizations catering to straight allies.