These organizations concluded that 30 minutes a day of moderate activity, even in 10-minute spurts, would confer significant health benefits.
And, Jongewaard said, "making the decision on the first pick was a tough call, but the entire organization concluded to take the best position player available.
If the organization concludes that a complaint is justified, it tries to persuade direct-marketing companies to satisfy the request.
"None of the irregularities taken individually is large enough to affect the results," the organization concluded in its report.
The organization, which represents 75,000 businesses, took an informal survey and concluded that one-third knew nothing about the new law.
Care to guess what this lobbying organization representing 160 chief executives of top United States companies concluded?
The president and government will make judgment after the relevant organisations have concluded their work.
The organization concluded that Europe's rules against the beef were based on faulty science.
The clear choice is the $10 bill, the organization concluded, because Hamilton was not a president.
Nevertheless, Wilpon said, the organization had not concluded that infidelity warrants a termination.