(In December 2000 private Japanese and international organizations convened a war tribunal that found Emperor Hirohito "guilty of responsibility for rape and sexual slavery.")
The organization convenes every January in New York City for an annual dinner, which forms part of a weekend of celebration and study involving other Sherlockian groups and enthusiasts.
Each year, the organization convenes a series of programs, including single speaker events, panels and round tables addressing immediate and long-term issues of national security.
The organization convenes artists and technologists, presents their collaborative efforts, sponsors artistic initiatives and exhibits the resulting work to the public.
But the organization that speaks for the nation's Catholic bishops, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, has recently convened private meetings on sexuality in the ministry.
These organisations convened at a meeting organised in Lucca, Italy, in 1989, for the representatives of National and Regional Volunteer Centres from seven European countries.
At the White House's request, the organization convened faith leaders and began a long-term racial reconciliation in 1998.
For one, if the treaties are ratified in Geneva, there will be no further possibility of changing them until the organization convenes again, which is usually once every decade or so.
In April 2011, the two organizations convened a workshop to ensure that women are included in future post-disaster and post-conflict planning documents.
The organization convened a task force to look at the issue, documenting that increased rates of suspension and expulsion contributed to increased risks of a student dropping out of school.