The organization designated her a prisoner of conscience, "held in detention solely for consensual sexual relations", and lobbied for her release.
This can be beneficial if the organization has designated the location as the recovery site.
The organization designated him a prisoner of conscience and urged his immediate release.
On 30 March 2012, the organization officially designated Alkhawaja a prisoner of conscience and demanded his immediate release.
The organization designated Atabaev a prisoner of conscience, "detained solely for exercising his right to freedom of expression".
Usually organizations and groups have designated leaders but even then it doesn't necessarily follow that the official leader will behave as such.
The latter organisation also designated him a prisoner of conscience.
The organisation of the Vuelta designates which climbs are given points, and in which category they fall.
Some large organisations have specially designated press officers working within a press office which, though coming under the surveillance of the public relations department, is separate from it.
The organization designated Bayramov a prisoner of conscience.