Roosevelt said he wanted "these private organizations to handle the on-leave recreation of the men in the armed forces."
A central topic in the book is that organizations must meet and handle uncertainty.
His organization hasn't handled a sizeable mercenary operation for years.
The organization currently handles more than a thousand young people in different institutions, and has expanded to other areas of immigrant absorption.
His research is focused on how organizations, private and public, handle external (technological, institutional, market driven) change.
"It proves once and for all that the organization can handle humanitarian as well as trade concerns."
The organization handles inquiries from businesses interested in relocating to that area.
As companies became more sophisticated, they argued, organisations could handle most, if not all, their recruiting problems.
In either case, the organization employed by the owner rarely handles both aspects of design and construction in-house.
"I think the organization handled the situation a lot better," Dishman said.