On June 1, 2010, the organization intended to launch the first expedition to drive around the world in a production electric vehicle.
Use of the network is free, and no indication has been given that the organization intends to charge for providing the service in the future.
The organization also intends to keep an eye on the domains it can monitor, watching for signs of abusive behavior.
The statement today did not say what the organization intended to do with Colonel Higgins's body.
Officials did not return calls for comment, and it is not clear how much money the organization intends to raise.
The organization intended it to serve for religious lectures and screening Biblical films.
Finally, the organization intends to expand geographically, which means going on tour.
The opposite of what these organisations intended has occurred.
An organization may forward messages intended for a given role to the personal address of the person(s) functioning in that role or office.
To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.