Many international organizations have targeted female genital cutting as a practice that needs to be eradicated.
In a 1993 report, Human Rights Watch claimed that militant organisations have targeted civilians.
Corporate and political organizations can now target messages specifically to hundreds of niche groups.
All charitable organizations are working harder and targeting their potential donors more strategically than in the free-spending 1980's.
The organizations particularly target the distribution of files via the Internet using peer-to-peer software.
Other organizations target laboratories, circuses and slaughterhouses.
Kruger reckons that each organisation should target about 5,000 subscribers.
A nonprofit organization can target strategies that cause structural changes, reducing the need for ongoing dependence.
Organization-level reports can then be used to provide a first step by which organizations can target and monitor appropriate health interventions within their workforce.
Green emergency lighting is also used by private security agencies securing certain Government buildings and establishments where terrorist organizations may also target.