The lab facilities at the Denver Federal Center have been managed by various organizational components.
For each organizational component that applies, open this document to the associated MRM section.
Supervisor Supervisors should approve or disapprove a flexible or compressed work schedule within an organizational component only after a consultation with the immediate work group.
For this reason, these organizations had developed mechanisms for involving other organizational components in policy documentation.
Because we were seeking to review initiatives that had successfully empowered and involved employees, we asked headquarters officials to identify organizational components for our review.
They also may show organizational and information components, but only as they relate to functions.
For example, although the United States is not a corporation, it still has organizational components and has a certain image and identity.
The division of work is assigning responsibility for each organizational component to a specific individual or group thereof.
Links in the following list provide the available web pages for the domestic organizational components of the State Department in alphabetical order.
OJJDP also disseminates information about juvenile justice issues and awards funds to states to support local programming nationwide through the office's five organizational components.