Following approval at the highest levels of the Air Force, an organizational transformation was implemented on 1 December 2003.
In King's view, the covenantal transformation of the first century serves as a model for personal, organizational and societal transformation today.
As a result of such organizational transformations, many famous scientists moved to the new Institutions of the Academy of Sciences.
Sohail Inayatullah, Questioning the future: methods and tools for organizational and societal transformation.
In response, procurement executives have established agendas for organizational transformation.
While technologies of instruction have been examined closely, the organizational transformation those technologies necessitate tends to be overlooked.
Computer Associates is in the process of its own organizational transformation.
This step is important in that organizational transformation always necessitates the need for changes in the behavior of those who hold key roles in the organization.
This impressive list could be quite intimidating to any executive managers faced with planning and implementing an organizational transformation.
"The role of accounting in organizational transformation" (2008)