In 1930, the Comintern dispatched Ali Kelmendi to Albania to organize communist cells.
The local parties had 30 years of experience organizing underground cells against Saddam.
He organized several scientific cells at the plant, published his first research paper in the journal Energomachinostroyeniye and made inventions.
He gave them advice in media relations and arbitration technique, he told them how to organize cells and committees, to elect leaders.
YChart allows one to organize and display cells of data.
A Syrian-born imam, al-Qassam organized terrorist cells to kill the British and the Jews in Palestine.
After joining the GPU he helped run various smuggling enterprises, and helped organize Communist cells in the crews of merchant ships.
In 1913 he was transferred to Moscow and then to Kiev and Kharkiv, where he organized local Communist cells.
There are a number of structures used to organize and coordinate multiple cells within a church.
During the First Chechen War, Bagaudtin traveled to Chechnya to organise Wahhabist militant cells.