Oliver eventually lived there for seven years and helped to organize Millay's papers.
Padilla's wife, Martha, says she was trying to organize her husband's old papers.
"To act as his archivist to help organize his papers and other things for his presidential library."
He completed his memoirs and organized his papers until right before he passed in 1982.
She plans to organize her personal papers on more portable computer disks and to insure the things she values most.
Martha says she was prompted to begin the project after trying to organize her husband's old papers.
Upon his retirement from public service, George Washington made a deliberate effort to organize and preserve his personal papers.
Calvin kept his head bent down while he organized his papers on the lectern's slanted surface.
I found myself organizing my papers and other worldly possessions into the wee hours of the morning.
"I say the same thing when I'm trying to organize her papers."