But most of all I organized plays.
The club mainly conducts quizzes while also holding debates and organising plays.
An Impresario is somebody who organizes concerts, operas, ballets or plays.
Club members organize plays and write poetry.
Throughout grammar school, Valdez organized plays at school and put on puppet shows in his garage, which, he recalls, were usually about fairy tales.
He eventually joined a home for Jewish orphans run by exiles from the German communist party where he organized weekly plays.
Koothu-P-Pattarai is a prominent Tamil theatre group that has organised plays for 31 years.
The main function of the hall's governing board (zariad) is to organize plays, concerts, dances, and other cultural activities.
She says that as a child she organized plays, as "[i]t just felt like a lot more fun than playing with sand and dolls."
From 1768, Felix Berner organizes plays in a permanent wooden structure in the summer periods.