It combines social networking, industry news, and video to organize presentations about business opportunities within a diverse online audience of entrepreneurs and investors.
The firm will write news releases, create a press kit, focus your Web site and organize presentations.
Apart from screenings, the festival usually organizes workshops, presentations and pitching forums designed to help aspiring film authors in developing their projects.
Joey Skaggs (born 1945) is an American prankster who has organized numerous successful media pranks, hoaxes, and other presentations.
The distribution department presents video art, media art and installations to professionals and they organise and facilitate presentations of works from the collection.
They regularly organize joint exhibitions and presentations.
It organizes meetings, presentations, seminars, international exhibitions, conferences, and an extensive programme of training courses, lectures, workshops and special events.
The Institute organizes seminars and presentations by and for its own researchers and other economists.
Placement Cell organizes pre-placement presentations by recruiting organizations which is followed by the actual recruitment process.
Forest Ridge organizes campus-wide presentations on pressing issues in the local and global community.