Instead, a market failure is a situation in which a given market does not efficiently organize production or allocate goods and services to consumers.
These chiefdoms likely arose from the need to organize production and trade, manage relations with other communities and plan offensive and defensive initiatives.
And the Bechtel Group is lined up to organize the rebuilding and renewed production of the oil fields.
He revolutionized the film industry by organizing production, distribution, and exhibition within a single company.
His chief responsibility was to organise production to support the war effort and he became known as the minister for "austerity".
This control, according to Willis, is manifested in the fact that the men organize production in a greater measure than ever before.
First, the state is excluded from organizing production according to its own 'political' criteria.
That is, until Morrison (or Lord Kalvan, as the people begin to call him) organizes production of it in quantity.
I believe it is the employers who organise production and take on workers.
Because of this, a strong administrative apparatus was needed to plan the use of scarce resources, organize production and regulate distribution.