There he has continued to compose music and organize some of his life's work for this album, with the endless support of his wife, Mary.
Several strikes and protests were organized, with the support and help of Avante!
These protests were mostly organized by critics of Korean pop culture with the support of right-wing nationalists.
The exhibition was organized by the Princeton museum, with the support of Merrill Lynch & Company.
The festival is being organised by the Afghanistan Cinema Club with the support of various national and international organizations.
These concerts are organised with the support of Yorkshire and Humberside Arts.
Strike committees have been organized in Lithuanian factories, with the support of local Communist Party officials.
After having gone through training, trip leaders organise travel plans with the support of the Habitat staff.
They are very active in cultural activities and organise annual festivals, like, Habash Festival, with the support of several community organisations.
These campaigns were organized by the Canadian Tamil Congress, with the support of many social and community organizations.