Unlike the PREP, the Official Count tallied votes in a more organized manner.
Fagan also suggests that the people continued farming in a much less organized manner or relocated according to remaining irrigation canals.
The rationale behind the responsiveness principle is that the system should deliver results of an operation to users in a timely and organized manner.
C., was the first to put chiropractic philosophy into a systematic and organized manner, which appeared in his 1927 publication, "Chiropractic Textbook:"
The new Orthodox party would continue this work, but in a more efficient and organized manner.
In this case, the fighters may be unprepared to speak to the American occupiers or the world in any organized manner, or have no desire to.
The main purpose of this new credit union was to provide low-cost loans and to provide a convenient place for its members to save in a more organized manner.
The Syrian Catholics, that is, those in communion with Rome, use the same rite as the Syriac Orthodox, but perhaps in a more organized manner.
She persevered in her pursuit of labor equality for women but in a less organized manner.
Download managers are software that help downloading files from the Internet faster and in a more organized manner.