Nobody loved a wager more than Goldie Morran-and nobody else in La-La Land came remotely close to Goldie's orgasmic pleasure at cheating to win.
His bite is overwhelmingly orgasmic, mind-blowing pleasure.
As each thing threatened her, her lover dispensed with it, and each demise would fill her with orgasmic pleasure.
All he had to do was open himself and let the flood of orgasmic pleasure take him.
"It keeps you in this holding pattern of orgasmic pleasure."
Or some sort of orgasmic pleasure?
It boosts orgasmic pleasure tenfold, a genuine designer high.
She fell shrieking and writhing into a maelstrom of orgasmic pleasure that washed her sanity from her mind.
The attempt took a nightmarish turn for worse, spawning a race of human beings whose Kyle organs are hardwired to interpret pain signals from normal telepaths as orgasmic pleasure called "transcendence".