These points vary because different planets' axes are oriented differently (the apparent positions of the stars also change slightly due to parallax effects).
The two grids were oriented differently, with the result that only every third northwest-southeast street in DL185 actually continuing southeast beyond Burrard into DL541.
Humans exhibit orientation-based saliency, which essentially means that objects oriented differently than their backgrounds tend to "pop out" at us.
Near the center of town, various land claims were platted in the 19th century with differently oriented grids, which have survived until today.
Higher education, on the other hand, is oriented differently.
Across 97 experimental trials lasting 120 minutes, the owls' gazes were overwhelmingly drawn to the bar oriented differently from the rest.
For example, while women get stuck with a bad reputation for reading maps, it may just be that they orient to landmarks differently.
Since the bass drum is oriented differently than a snare or tenor drum, the stroke itself is different, but the fundamentals remain the same.
But Conway's mind was oriented differently; alien artifacts came a long way second in importance to the study, investigation and eventual restoration of alien life.
The auxiliary bridge felt like a completely different place than the one she'd just left: oriented differently in Punisher's decelera- tion g; with different sounds and pressures.