Mental origin refers to that combination of mental and social dynamics, particular to the individual, that gives rise to the vision in the first place.
The "origin" does not refer to the country where the goods were shipped from but to the country where they were made.
Thus, the name's origin refers to a "western lea," or a field to the west.
The origin of the word is unknown, but could refer to the older poorly maintained vehicles' tendency to back-fire.
The origin of the term carrillo in the Spanish language usually refers to any "small cart".
Origins or origin, in comics, may refer to:
A second origin could refer to the leader of a people under the leader Hatto.
The origin of the term refers to gaining control of land or other natural resources.
Glacial origin refers to erosion, transportation and deposition by glaciers.
The "origin of religion" refers to the emergence of religious behavior in prehistory, before written records.