The translation is not viewed by modern scholars as having been faithful, but rather includes some passages with distortions or exaggerations of the original Arabic.
Al-Khwārizmī's second major work was on the subject of arithmetic, which survived in a Latin translation but was lost in the original Arabic.
Not that I've read it all, or in the original Arabic.
While translations are considered important in sharing the faith, Muslims believe that the Koran retains its full religious power only in the original Arabic.
In its original Arabic, the text of Sura 19 progresses through a series of varying rhyme structures that correspond to the content being discussed.
The first translation from the original Arabic was into Latin.
The names of Arab people on the passenger register do not necessarily correspond to the original Arabic.
It is read from right to left like the original Arabic.
The original Arabic of Yakut reads (.)
"That is what I said in the original Arabic."