The actors gained a Royal "licence to perform", thus bypassing Rich's ownership of both the original Duke's and King's Company patents from 1660, and formed their own cooperative company.
Everyone who'd known the original Duke remarked on it.
Thus, the moniker "Dukes" commemorated the original Duke of Alburquerque, for whom the city of Albuquerque is named.
Unfortunately, it was sent just after the release of the Build source and hence Duke Nukem 3D was stuck with the build libraries that 3D Realms had used in the original Duke.
The original "Duke" helicopters (a pair of Boeing 500s) had an image of John Wayne riding atop a sheriff's badge (while waving his cowboy hat) painted on the fuselage.
The original structure looked to have been either a military fortress or fortified castle; probably the original Duke of Gradford's holding.
Zone II: WizardWorks later published a follow-up to the original Duke!
While the attitude is all Duke Nukem 3-D, the game play harks back to the original side-scrolling Dukes.
Long-time fans of the original Dukes of Hazzard television series were generally disappointed by the film.
The original Dukes played in Wade Stadium from 1941 through the 1970 season.