The Man is never mentioned by name in the original adventures, or in any subsequent content over more than six decades.
They have since gone on to publish a large number of original adventures set in the Star Wars universe.
Will Bill and Ted's return be as excellent as their original adventures?
The three remaining records were original adventures featuring the same voice cast.
The magazine concluded that the game was "a great sequel that fully lives up to the high standards set by the original adventure."
Initially, the game was intended to be a short, original text-based adventure developed in three months with almost no planning.
A number of Peter Sam's original adventures were adapted, with the same personality he had in the books.
In the late 1970s, the publisher also produced original Spider-Man adventures.
A three-episode anime was released in 1995, featuring an original adventure not based on the comics.
Of the adventures, oh, I was on all the original adventures myself!